
Understanding the Impact of Low Pass Grades on Your KTU Degree

KTU ALERTS · · 4 min read


APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (KTU) has introduced a significant policy change that offers a BTech degree with a "low pass" grade to students who fail internal exams but pass university exams. This move aims to address academic challenges and provide a lifeline to students struggling with internal assessments, reflecting a shift towards more inclusive and flexible academic policies.


KTU, established in Kerala, plays a pivotal role in shaping the educational landscape by offering a wide range of engineering and technological courses. Over the years, students have faced challenges with stringent grading policies, particularly regarding internal assessments. The previous system often resulted in students being unable to progress or graduate due to internal exam failures, leading to academic and emotional stress.

Details of the New Policy

The new policy introduces a "low pass" grade for BTech students who fail internal exams but manage to pass university exams. The criteria for receiving this grade include failing the internal assessment component while maintaining a passing score in the university-conducted exams. This allows students to still earn their BTech degree, albeit with a lower grade, thus preventing academic derailment and promoting progression.

Rationale Behind the Decision

The primary reason for implementing this new grading system is to mitigate the disproportionate impact of internal exam failures on students' academic progress. Internal exams, although crucial, often vary in difficulty and evaluation standards, sometimes disadvantaging students. By introducing the low pass grade, KTU aims to provide a balanced approach that acknowledges students' efforts in university exams while addressing the inconsistencies in internal assessments.

Impact on Students

The new policy is expected to have a profound impact on BTech students, particularly those who have struggled with internal assessments. It offers a safety net, allowing them to graduate and pursue their careers without being held back by internal exam failures. For current and prospective students, this policy represents a more forgiving academic environment that prioritizes overall competency over single assessment metrics.

Academic Implications

Academically, this policy shift encourages students to focus on holistic learning and better prepares them for real-world applications of their knowledge. It may also lead to changes in how students plan their studies, with an emphasis on balancing internal and university exam preparations. In the long term, it could result in more graduates entering the workforce with a BTech degree, potentially enhancing career opportunities and industry readiness.

Comparison with Other Universities

KTU's policy is unique compared to other universities, where internal exam failures often lead to significant academic setbacks. While some institutions have similar provisions, KTU's approach is distinctive in its clear delineation of the low pass grade criteria and its emphasis on university exam performance. This policy's pros include reducing academic stress and increasing graduation rates, while potential cons involve the risk of de-emphasizing internal assessments.

Reaction from the Academic Community

The new grading policy has garnered mixed reactions from the academic community. Educators appreciate the move towards a more equitable evaluation system, although some express concerns about maintaining academic rigor. Students, on the other hand, largely view the policy favorably, seeing it as a fair opportunity to succeed despite challenges in internal exams.

Future of BTech Programs at KTU

Looking ahead, KTU plans to introduce several changes to its BTech programs, including a six-month internship program aimed at enhancing practical skills and industry readiness. These developments are part of KTU's broader strategy to ensure that graduates are well-prepared for the demands of the workforce, combining theoretical knowledge with hands-on experience.

BTech for Working Professionals

In addition to policy changes for regular students, KTU has launched a BTech course tailored for working professionals. This course features flexible admission criteria and a structure designed to accommodate the busy schedules of professionals, thereby expanding access to advanced education for those already in the workforce.

Disability Reservation in Teaching Positions

KTU is also making strides in promoting inclusivity and diversity within its academic workforce by implementing disability reservations for teaching positions. This initiative aims to create a more inclusive academic environment, providing opportunities for individuals with disabilities to contribute to and thrive in the education sector.

Special Adalat for Aided College Teachers

To address grievances and issues faced by college teachers, KTU has established a special Adalat. This forum serves as a platform for teachers to voice their concerns and seek redress, reflecting the university's commitment to supporting its faculty and ensuring a fair and transparent academic environment.

Disciplinary Actions by KTU

Recently, KTU has taken disciplinary actions against faculty members involved in academic misconduct. These actions highlight the university's stance on upholding academic integrity and its dedication to maintaining a fair and ethical educational system.

KTU's Measures Against Academic Misconduct

In its efforts to combat academic misconduct, KTU has implemented several measures aimed at ensuring fairness and integrity. This includes stricter oversight and penalties for violations, reinforcing the university's commitment to academic excellence and ethical conduct.


The introduction of the low pass grade policy by KTU marks a significant shift in the university's approach to grading and academic progress. By providing a more balanced and equitable evaluation system, KTU aims to support students in their educational journey while maintaining academic standards. This policy, along with other initiatives, underscores KTU's dedication to fostering an inclusive, fair, and forward-thinking academic environment.
