
Exploring the KTU 2024 Scheme: Key Changes and Updates

KTU ALERTS · · 4 min read


Hello everyone, Today I’m thrilled to discuss the latest updates in the KTU 2024 scheme. The Kerala Technological University (KTU) is rolling out a significant revamp of its syllabus and curriculum this year, and there are some major changes that we all need to be aware of. 2019 scheme has significant changes, and the 2024 scheme may be the better version of it, let's check it out.

In this blog, we will delve into the key features of the KTU 2024 scheme, highlighting four critical points and a bonus one that will shape the educational landscape for new students. Let's get started!

Major Updates in the KTU 2024 Scheme

1. Revamped Curriculum and Advanced Technologies

The KTU 2024 scheme introduces a thoroughly updated syllabus designed to align with the latest technological advancements. Unlike the 2019 curriculum, which began incorporating new technologies like Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, and Quantum Computing as elective subjects, the 2024 scheme takes it a step further.

Now, these advanced topics are integrated into the core curriculum across various branches, ensuring that every student, regardless of their specialization, gains exposure to cutting-edge technologies. This change not only modernizes the educational content but also prepares students to meet industry demands more effectively.

2. Streamlined Mathematics Curriculum

One of the standout features of the new scheme is the restructuring of the mathematics syllabus. Previously, students had to complete up to 16 credits of Mathematics, spread across four semesters. The 2024 scheme reduces this requirement to a maximum of 12 credits over three semesters.

This change aims to alleviate the heavy coursework burden and allows students to focus more on branch-specific subjects. It’s a thoughtful adjustment that balances the need for strong mathematical foundations with the flexibility to explore specialized areas relevant to each engineering discipline.

3. Branch-Specific Science Courses

In the 2019 scheme, subjects like Physics and Chemistry were taught as part of a common syllabus, regardless of the student’s branch. The KTU 2024 scheme introduces a more tailored approach, where these subjects are now customized to align with the specific needs of each branch.

For example, students in Chemical Engineering will study Chemistry topics more deeply relevant to their field, while those in Mechanical Engineering will focus on Physics concepts that are crucial for their coursework. This targeted approach ensures that students gain in-depth knowledge relevant to their chosen careers.

4. Reduced Content Load

A recurring issue in previous schemes was the overwhelming amount of content students had to cover. The KTU 2019 scheme had already made progress by reducing the number of modules from six to five. The 2024 scheme goes further, trimming it down to four modules.

This reduction is not just about cutting content; it’s about refining the curriculum to include only the most essential and relevant topics. By eliminating redundant material, KTU is ensuring that students have a more manageable workload while still covering critical areas necessary for their professional development.

Bonus Point: Enhanced Internship and Project Opportunities

Perhaps the most significant update is the increased emphasis on internships and practical projects, especially in the final two semesters. The KTU 2024 scheme allows students to dedicate a substantial portion of their time to internships, enabling them to gain valuable industry experience.

This shift addresses a major concern from the previous scheme where class attendance often conflicted with internship opportunities. By reducing the classroom commitments in the last two semesters, KTU ensures that students can fully engage in real-world projects, better preparing them for their future careers.


The KTU 2024 scheme represents a significant step forward in modernizing the curriculum and making it more relevant to today’s technological landscape. With a focus on advanced technologies, streamlined courses, and practical experience, it promises to provide students with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in their respective fields.

Stay tuned for more updates as KTU continues to roll out details on the new scheme. If you found this blog helpful, make sure to share it with your peers and follow for more insights into educational developments and career opportunities.

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